NorXfer and NorConnect

read out instrument data

NorXfer is the free software to read out most Norsonic sound level meters: Nor110, Nor116, Nor118, Nor131, Nor132, Nor135, Nor137, Nor139, Nor140
During the readout, measurements are converted to the Norsonic .NBF formaat.

NorConnect is the free software to read out the Nor145 and Nor150 sound level meters

NorXfer features:

  • Convert a .NBF file to excel (.xls or.xlsx)
  • Convert a .NBF file to text (.txt)
  • Convert multiple .NBF files to an overview in a single excel (.xls or .xlsx) document
  • Convert multiple .NBF files to an overview in a single text (.txt) document
  • Convert a .NBF file to a finished report based on an excel template
  • Convert multiple .NBF files to a single finished report based on an excel template
  • Concatenation of multiple .NBF files into a single new .NBF file (only possible with an actieve NorReview license)